
Blog 4 - " Law, Tech, and Health in Balance "

  What is the importance of ensuring Laws are in place to make sure that the client will receive optimum care in this technology-led world?           Laws are implemented by a regulating body, which is usually the government of each country, to protect the rights and safety of its subjects, including the citizens, businesses, and the country itself. They also ensure that nobody will abuse their powers by levying sanctions and penalties on the violators of the law. Which is why it is reasonable to presume that laws are what induce relative peace in our society.     According to the World Health Organization (n.d.), governments use health laws for various reasons, which will be discussed in the following paragraphs. The first reason is to establish and implement health policies. Health policies take into consideration the concept of Universal Health Coverage (UHC), wherein all people—regardless of age, gender, and race—shall have access to quality health services whenever and wherever th